Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If we could live forever

Have you ever thought how much happier we would be if us as humans never die?
I have always thought how my life would have been if none of my love ones have left me. I think about that everyday, and I still wonder why humans have to die? But then again if no one dies then the world would be overpopulated.
There is saying that
"When one dies then one is born."

Im sure everyone have gone through a time in their lives when they have lost someone very special because I know I have. Not only have I gone through it once but I had to go through it more than that. When I was just a few months old, my grandfather (dad's side) die of liver cancer, then when I was 3 yrs old my father passed away, then a couple years later both of my grandmothers left me.
Just a month ago I have experienced this painful feeling again when my uncle in vietnam passed away. I miss them....I REALLY miss them. All i have of them is pictures or in my memories. Once they are gone, they can never be replaced.
It hurts...alot.
It hurts just seeing them leave the world without knowing and caring who they are leaving behind because the ones who are left in this lonely world is suffering the most.
A kind of pain that can't be treated by medicine, shot, surgery, or whatever. It has to be healed by time. Even though the people I love have left this world but I know I will see them again somewhere like heaven.

What could I have done from preventing this? Nothing. Nothing at all.
Life is full of unexpected things. You never know what could happen next. It is all up to God.

1 comment:

  1. awww! this is so sad but i love the topic. i wish i could live forever because idk where im going after i die. I'm not really christian, muslim, buddhist or jewish... so what will happen to me?
    I've never lost anyone close to me before but I know it has to hurt. I always think what would happen if anything happened to me, what would Mia do. I think about that EVERYDAY. or if something happened to her. I'd just never get over it. but i guess things get better as time goes by...
    I hope things get better for you because losing family is never easy. And you have me & Adiam to help you get through it =D
    That's what friends are for!
